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How to cancel the CloudPlay subscription if the device has been deleted from my account?

If you are unable to cancel the CloudPlay subscription on your own by going to the camera Settings > Cloud Storage > Subscription Management > Cancel Subscription on the EZVIZ APP, in order to provide the cancellation service, we would like to ask you to provide the following information by contacting EZVIZ at rma.glb@ezviz.com:

- The 9-digit SN of your EZVIZ camera

- The email address you used to subscribe to cloud storage or receive the CloudPlay receipt

- A screenshot of the subscription confirmation email

- Apply reason


Also, please note that when canceling the subscription:

1. There are no refund/pro-rated dates.

2. The recording plan will expire at the end of the subscription period.


Last Updated 11/01/2024

We have updated our Terms of Service, CloudPlay Paid Subscription Terms and Privacy Policy. Please read them carefully.

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